What are Brand Assets and How Do You Leverage Them?

As business owners, there is no denying that we all want to grow and succeed. The key to flourishing in this day and age is not just attaining valuable brand assets, but tactically leveraging them to promote further prosperity for your brand.

Regardless of what type of brand you own, understanding what brand assets are and how to anchor them is an essential part of your success. That's why our expert team of digital marketers has created this detailed article, to help you fully understand the meaning of brand assets, why they are important, how to acquire them, and how to use them.

What Are Brand Assets?

Brand assets are a collective of attributes and resources which combine to define a brand's personality, image, and general feel. They are the building blocks of your brand's identity, brand awareness and brand recognition, as they set your business aside from similar brands within your market.

Because brand assets revolve around brand identity and the perception your brand emanates, they are primarily visual. Here are the main brand elements which count as assets:

●     Logos

●     Signature colours

●     Packaging

●     Typefaces

●     Images

●     Illustrations

Although brand assets are often visual representations, they can occasionally be non-visual, such as your brand's tone-of-voice, promise and values, mission statement, and so forth.

Regardless of whether they are visual or not, all of your company's brand assets benefit your marketing efforts as they facilitate an emotional connection between your brand and its target audience.

3 Steps to Identifying Your Brand Assets

Before you begin utilising your brand assets, you must have a clear understanding of what they are. While all brands have the basic brand identity elements (such as packaging, logos, colours, etc) which count as brand assets, certain attributes may be more prominent than others, particularly when seen by customers.

Need help to determine what your greatest branding elements are? Follow this fail-proof 3-step guide to help you easily narrow down your most distinctive brand assets:

1.   Review Your Brand's Marketing Materials

A straightforward way of reviewing your existing brand assets is by looking at which marketing materials you have in place. By analysing these features, you can tie together any key details (such as graphics, fonts, and images) which likely contribute to your system of assets.

Here are a few self-reflective questions that can help you distinguish which elements act as your most functional assets:

●     Is it instantly recognisable? (look at colours, unique patterns/shapes, etc.)

●     Does it summarise the purpose and feel of your brand? (check the tone-of-voice, slogan, etc.)

●     Does it suit your target audience? (consider whether your brand assets appropriately accommodate your demographic's preferences and needs)


2.   Conduct Customer Research

Brand elements only become brand assets when your customers associate each component with your brand. The best way of pinpointing which of your brand assets stand out the most is by conducting customer surveys which ask participants to identify your brand assets.

It's also worth adding some open-ended questions which ask customers to reveal any weaknesses, such as materials which are easily confused with a competitor's brand or aren't aesthetically pleasing, so that you can refine any existing brand elements.

Once you determine which of your brand's elements are most impactful, you can revolve your marketing campaign around them.

3.   Create An Asset Grid to Organise Each Brand Asset

An asset grid is a strategic framework designed to help you sort which assets are worth investing more time into, and which you should ditch. This will help you to elevate your brand value, as you will be refining your assets, eliminating any which do not benefit your business. Here's how you can organise your brand assets:

●     Eliminate/Avoid: Removing and staying clear of any brand assets which do not serve any purpose or are too similar to your competitors

●     Replace: A useful 'spare' brand asset that can be used to replace another

●     Test: Scrutinising a brand asset that does not signify any pros or cons

●     Invest Potential: Channelling more time and effort into a brand asset that serves significantly benefits your brand's marketing campaigns and brand identity

How to Leverage Brand Assets for Optimal Success

Once you successfully identify your brand assets with the three steps above, you can begin leveraging them to improve your business's success.

In order to establish distinctive brand assets which resonate with your target audience, you must ensure you adequately develop each asset and manage them cohesively throughout your marketing channels to maintain consistency.

This will pave the way for authenticity and credibility, encouraging customers to trust your brand and complete a purchase. Here are some marketing-approved methods you can adopt to effectively leverage your brand assets:

1.   Maintain Your Brand Assets By Referring to Your Brand Strategy & Brand Guidelines

Your brand strategy and brand guidelines must inform each brand asset of your organisation to ensure your marketing efforts effectively reflect your business and its products/services.

In most cases, brand guidelines are part of your strategy, and work to keep your brand identity elements on track with your business's values, mission, and overall purpose, preventing any inconsistencies or misrepresentation throughout your marketing campaigns.

By having consistent brand assets, you will encourage a professional image, making customers more likely to trust your company, make a purchase, and even suggest it to peers.

2.   Employ Digital Brand Assets to Extend Your Company's Reach

Due to the ongoing rise of e-commerce, consumerism is predominantly online, which means your most valuable brand assets are your digital assets. Using digital marketing methods, such as social media, will boost the reach of your brand assets and attract more customers.

Top Tip: Images are a particularly effective brand asset when carrying out digital marketing efforts, especially on Instagram, as they are easy to disseminate.

3.   Regularly Collect and Analyse Brand Asset Data

Collecting brand asset data, such as customer feedback surveys, is not a one-time occurrence. You should conduct regular research and analysis of your brand assets to ensure you are on track with your brand guidelines, and relevantly targeting your primary demographic to ensure each element is as effective as possible.

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We sincerely hope you feel enlightened and informed after reading our brand asset article. If you seek further guidance on how you can improve your brand's image and marketing efforts, be sure to explore our site for more helpful articles, as well as an array of bespoke services tailored to fashion, beauty, and lifestyle brands.

If you wish to find out more about our professional marketing services, feel free to contact us today and ask us any questions you may have!


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